Even as the umpires a couple of months ago called "Play ball!" to blast off another baseball season, so the motorists had best be obeying "Slow down!" calls with the arrival of this equally fresh and important new "season." Yes, folks, spring and summer hours and temperatures signal full speed ahead of another fine construction season for highways, byways, bridges and other pieces of the infrastructure here in the Evergreen State.
Photo: A construction crew pours concrete courtesy of WSDOT |
House of Representatives Democrats in the recent legislative session championed the drive to launch millions of dollars in projects, which translates into thousands of good-paying jobs in most every one of Washington's 39 counties. That in mind, it's a capital idea for hundreds of interested businesses to keep themselves up-to-date on construction-project news from the
Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT). The
WSDOT Contract Advertisement and Award Office is a particularly valuable website. Companies small, medium and large will find a veritable treasure-trove of information at
Contractor Resources. Here's a
website for current projects that might just be of interest both to specific contractors and to plain old everyday folks.
You have but to click links in the "Bid History Reports" section of that last website to get your hands on data for specific, statewide projects recently advertised. There you'll find nuggets of valuable information ranging from the names of low bidders to the status of bids. (Now remember: A low bidder isn't a sure thing to receive the WSDOT contract. Other issues might come into play before the department actually awards a contract for the work.)
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