The high lease rate at the Sidney ferry terminal is a major factor in WSF’s decision to propose the elimination of the Anacortes-Sidney run. Morris believes an agreement with Sidney officials would go a long way in showing a good faith effort to reach an agreement and save the run. “I know Sidney was frustrated with WSF in getting a lease deal done but the current deal is just not going to work if we want to continue this run.”
In order to save the Anacortes-Sidney run, Morris will be fighting the battle on two fronts: Negotiating a more equitable lease rate with the Sidney city government, and fighting back WSF’s proposal to eliminate the run as a cost-cutting effort.
Added Morris, “I’m hopeful the Mayor and city officials of Sidney will be receptive to revisiting the lease deal and work with us to save a vital link between our two countries. We need actual evidence of a partnership. Talk will not secure a future for this run.”