Monday, January 26, 2009

Memo to our National Guard: Thanks...

Members of the state’s National Guard were the focus of Monday’s House floor session. A resolution and three bills were passed supporting the military.

With all the National Guard does for our state, members expressed as best as they could their gratitude for their service. Here is State Rep. John Driscoll honoring guard members:

The House passed the resolution, as well as three pieces of legislation.
- House Bill 1034, which aims to allow the public greater use of National Guard armories. (State Rep. Dawn Morrell)
- House Bill 1049, opening local relief funds to National Guard veterans. (State Rep. Christine Rolfes)
- House Bill 1050 seeks to adjust the veterans’ scoring preference criteria, to allow all members called to active service eligible to receive the scoring boost. (State Rep. Troy Kelley)

For more information:
WA House takes moment to honor National Guard, help veterans

And from The Advance's trips out with the National Guard:
