The exchange for Hudgins involved a three-way trade with the State Government & Tribal Affairs filling the hole left in their line-up with the tough veteran Rep. Chris Hurst out of Enumclaw, and sophomore Rep. Marko Liias from Mukilteo moving to fill Hurst’s spot on Agriculture and Natural Resources. Liias has also been called up to the Rules Committee.

In a player-manager role, the fourth-termer Hudgins also serves as House Majority Floor Leader, helping to coordinate the floor lineup each day.
Hudgins says he’s thrilled to be returning to a fiscal assignment. “I’m happy to be chosen to join the GGA committee. I hope to bring my skills and expertise to an especially important budget process this year.” The scouting report on Hudgins suggests he’s been a stickler when it comes to wise use of taxpayer dollars, citing his aggressive pursuit of greater accountability of operations at cross-town rivals, the Port of Seattle.
This year’s expansion committee, House General Government Appropriations, oversees 78 government agency budgets, dealing with funding of general government, natural resources and corrections programs and agencies, and makes funding recommendations to the Ways and Means Committee.
All members are to report immediately to their new assignments and are expected to serve out the remainder of their term in their new roles. Sources familiar with the negotiations report none of the members expect to receive pay raises.