However, one presentation given during today's session on electric vehicles, in the Technology, Energy and Communications Committee, asked the members to think back more than just a few years:

A representative from the Avista Corporation (previously known as Washington Water Power) brought up this article from 1913 to point out that this is an issue they, and many others, were working over 100 years ago. (you can see that presentation and others in the Electronic Bill Book, which we previously covered here).
PBS has a great timeline of electric vehicles, where they point out that these vehicles were doing pretty well in 1900, when "electric autos represent[ed] about one-third of all cars found on the roads of New York City, Boston, and Chicago."
Credited with a lot of advancements in history, an event in 1908 led the abandonment of electric vehicles for almost 100 years: Henry Ford and the Model T