A budget that is balanced, supports basic education,
maintains the social safety net, AND keeps higher education affordable – at the
same time as per-capita revenues are at a 50-year-low? That is exactly what Rep. Ross
Hunter and the House Democrats have put forth in their 2012 supplemental
budget (HB

This budget will also enable Washington to better meet its
“paramount duty” to fund basic K-12 education, as reinforced by the state
Supreme Court in January.
This budget actually spends less than the most recently
projected revenues. After adjusting for inflation, Washington state is
currently spending at 1985 levels, with the lowest state and federal tax rates
in 50 years. These are hard times financially, but let’s not forget the February
official revenue forecast which included the first increase in four years, as
well as a predicted decline in welfare cases. In layman’s terms, this means
$400 million on the upside.
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