Wednesday, May 11, 2011

House Ways and Means tackles a long agenda today

There is no floor action planned in the House today because Ways and Means is meeting most of the day. The committee will convene at 9:00 am in Senate Hearing Room 4 (Cherberg Building) with this revised agenda:

Public Hearing:
1. HB 2088 - Creating the opportunity scholarship board to assist middle-income students and invest in high employer demand programs.
2. HB 2111 - Implementing selected recommendations from the 2011 report of the quality education council.
3. SB 5289 - Concerning a business and occupation tax deduction for payments made to certain property management companies for personnel performing on-site functions.
4. SSB 5534 - Concerning the business and occupation taxation of newspapers.

Possible Executive Session:
1. HB 2048 - Concerning low-income and homeless housing assistance surcharges.
2. HB 2078 - Funding K-3 class size reductions by narrowing and repealing certain tax exemptions.
3. HB 2080 - Modifying tax refund and interest provisions.
4. HB 2082 - Making changes to the disability lifeline program.
5. HB 2088 - Creating the opportunity scholarship board to assist middle-income students and invest in high employer demand programs.
6. HB 2111 - Implementing selected recommendations from the 2011 report of the quality education council.
7. E2SSB 5182 - Establishing the office of student financial assistance and the council for higher education by eliminating the higher education coordinating board and transferring its functions to various entities.
8. SB 5289 - Concerning a business and occupation tax deduction for payments made to certain property management companies for personnel performing on-site functions.
9. SSB 5534 - Concerning the business and occupation taxation of newspapers.
10. 2ESB 5764 - Creating innovate Washington.
11. ESSB 5921 - Revising social services programs.

For information on these bills, click here.
