The House will convene at 9:00 am today for another full day of floor action. Among the items tentatively scheduled are a couple transportation bills and the capital budget. Follow us on Twitter (@hdccomm) for instant updates throughout the day.
Looking ahead to Wednesday, the House Ways and Means committee will hold an executive session at 9:00 in Senate Hearing Room 4. Among the bills to be considered:
1. HB 2048 - Concerning low-income and homeless housing assistance surcharges.
2. HB 2080 - Modifying tax refund and interest provisions.
3. HB 2082 - Making changes to the disability lifeline program.
4. E2SSB 5182 - Establishing the office of student financial assistance and the council for higher education by eliminating the higher education coordinating board and transferring its functions to various entities.
5. ESSB 5921 - Revising social services programs.
Other bills may be added.