Saturday, November 12, 2011

Children of the Great Recession: What are the impacts?

The devastating impact of the Great Recession on men and women who lose their jobs and their status as family breadwinners is clear and unmistakable. But what are the effects on the children of these fathers and mothers buffeted by economic uncertainty?
In one Eastern state, researchers from government, the private sector and nonprofits discovered potentially deep and longlasting consequences for children, including increased malnutrition, homelessness, school failure, violence, running away, abuse and neglect. The Legislature there responded with bipartisan support for sweeping legislation that passed nearly unanimously.
Now, state Rep. Jeannie Darneille and Sen. Debbie Regala of Tacoma want to find out what’s happing to the children of the recession in Washington state – and what lawmakers can do about it.  They are convening a public forum Tuesday, Nov 15 in Tacoma to hear the stories of the affected kids and their parents in their own words.
For more information about the forum, go here.
