With these Washington
aerospace facts, there will be jobs-a-plenty for many years to come:
+ Washington's aerospace cluster is represented
throughout the production value chain from machine shops to tier I suppliers
and one of the two largest commercial aerospace manufacturers in the world.
+ Washington state is home to more than 6,000 aerospace
+ Washington state is home to final assembly operations
for Boeing Commercials' 737,
747, 767, 777 and the new 787.
+ Washington's aerospace industry has the largest
concentration of aerospace workers in the U.S. - more than 1/6 of all U.S.
aerospace workers are employed in Washington state.
House Democrats feel all
those jobs should go to Washingtonians, so this year Rep. Deb Eddy
sponsored a
bill that created the Aerospace
Loan Program (ALP) and they’re accepting applications now.
The program offers education
loans for residents seeking training through the Washington Aerospace Training and
Research Center at Paine Field in Everett.
Students can receive up to
$4,800 for 12 weeks of training to enhance their existing job skills or earn
certificates in various aerospace production fields. After completion of the
program, ALP recipients have up to three years to repay their loans.
For more information:
Read the Everett Herald’s story, Aerospace
Loans Available Soon to Students
Go to the program’s