Friday, January 29, 2010

Today's hot list

No more phosphorous on turf? Shut down state agencies throughout the year? Those questions, and more, in today's committee line-up.

10:00 Session/Caucus

Noon HHR A Ways & Means
Executive Session: SSB 6503 - Closing state agencies on specified dates

1:30 HHR D State Government & Tribal Affairs
Public Hearing: HJM 4025 – Jointly honoring and supporting the Republic of South Vietnam and American veterans of the Vietnam War.

1:30 HHR E Early Learning & Children's Services
Public Hearing: HB 3141 - Redesigning the delivery of temporary assistance to needy families.

1:30 HHR B Agriculture & Natural Resources

Public Hearing: HB 2744 - Protecting lake water quality by reducing phosphorus from lawn fertilizers.
