Saturday, April 25, 2009

Hurry up! No, wait!!

That will be the rhythm of this final weekend of the 2009 Legislative Session. There is still a double-handful of important bills that must be passed before we can Sine Die, but they are in various stages of readiness right now. Senate bills are being heard in House committees, House bills are over in the Senate, conference reports are being signed, final amendments agreed to.

It's all par for the course as any session wraps up, but the pace can be very frustrating as members wait for all the pieces to come together. So don't be surprised if you tune in to watch us today and find that we are "at ease" or "in caucus." Hang in there -- there's still plenty of action to come!!

When we do go to the floor today (maybe around 1:00), we will approve the conference report on the transporation budget, and probably consider action on a bill to require that oil companies help pay for cleaning up petroleum waste that is polluting storm water run-off.
