On April 22 we mark the thirty-ninth anniversary of Earth Day.
From the state Department of Ecology's Jay Manning and the folks doing great work over there:
"Do you know the Washington state connections to that first Earth Day? The first announcement about Earth Day was made at a conference held in Seattle in 1969, by Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson in September. The coordinator of that seminal event, Denis Hayes, grew up in Camas. Since 1992, Denis has served as president of the Bullitt Foundation in Seattle."DOE's created a very helpful website to help you save money and reduce your impact on the planet all at the same time.
Visit their website here.
Here are some highlights of the resources available on the Ecology site:
"Go Green, Save Green” tips for saving money on energy, transportation and water
"Shrink Your Carbon Footprint”: tips and an online carbon pledge
“Washington Waters – Ours to Protect”: actions all of us can take to keep our waters clean and healthy
Earth Week community events around the state
“Toxic Free Tips”
“Be the Difference, Breathe the Difference”: alternatives to outdoor burning
“Ecology for Business” business assistance